LAT Nitrogen Hungary
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You are applying for the following position

Credit Analyst

Our Privacy Policy

To submit your resume and other relevant information to us online, please read the statement below and acknowledge your acceptance and agreement below. By clicking the “accept” button, you agree to the following statement:

"I understand that I am submitting personal information to the LAT Nitrogen online job recruiting system. I acknowledge the collection, use, transfer, storage, processing and disclosure of my personal information in conjunction with the recruitment process by each of the members of the LAT Nitrogen group, including companies within the LAT Nitrogen* group located in countries where the personal information and data protection laws of my home country may not apply."

Processing of personal data during recruitment
In order to comply with the data protection regulation of the European Union and to continue with your application process, please acknowledge the following information.

Who is the data controller?
LAT Nitrogen (please see definition in the footer) is the data controller for the personal data you choose to register when you apply for a position at LAT Nitrogen and is thereby responsible that your personal data is processed in accordance to applicable data protection legislation. In case of applying for the position, which requires your placement with another company in LAT Nitrogen Group or affiliates, your personal data, is also provided to this company for review. This company does not process your personal data without prior agreement with LAT Nitrogen.

When we receive your application
In the recruitment process, the personal information that will be recorded is that which appears in your application, CV and other documents: your name, address, contact details, employment history and background information. We use Article 6, para. 1 (b) of the Data Protection Regulation as our lawful basis as you yourself have submitted the personal information to us with a view to employment.
We record the submitted information in our HR system Easycruit and Success Factors.

We assess the application
We specifically assess the qualifications of each candidate in relation to the advertised vacancy. When we have read the applications, we select candidates for job interview(s). The candidates not called for interview are advised accordingly.

If we have chosen you for a job interview
In connection with the job interviews we receive additional information about you, which we record for use in the further recruitment process, we may also use a 3rd party service provider called Sonru.
We use Article 6, para. 1 (b) of the Data Protection Regulation as our lawful basis as you yourself have submitted the personal information to us with a view to employment. In case we will consider that we need to use your data for other purposes, we will inform you.

Information from social media
Some of your personal data and information about you may be identified / verified by publicly available sources, such as professional social networks, to the extent that is necessary and relevant to the recruitment process based on a “Google search”. We use Article 6, para. 1 (f) of the Data Protection Regulation as our lawful basis for obtaining information about candidates from social media. We obtain this information to be able to assess whether you have a profile that fits the company and the specific position.

Information from previous employer
LAT Nitrogen may obtain references from previous employers. When we obtain references from one or more of your previous employers, we record the information we receive. We use your consent pursuant to Article 6, para. 1 (a) of the Data Protection Regulation as our lawful basis for processing this information, and you will therefore be asked to give your consent before we contact one or more of your previous employers. You can withdraw your consent at any time by using the contact details above. If you withdraw your consent, it will only take effect from this point in time. Therefore, it does not affect the legality of our processing of the information up until the time at which you withdraw your consent.

Storage and deletion
If we hire you, we will retain your personal information for the term of your employment and for a reasonable time thereafter for compliance with legal obligations, following which your personal information will be securely deleted.
If your job application is rejected, we will store the information we have recorded about you for a period not exceeding 2 years. We use Article 6, para. 1 (f) of the Data Protection Regulation as our lawful basis for the purpose of update our internal talent pool, a database of candidate profiles interested in working for LAT Nitrogen. You have the right to object at any time to processing of your personal data. We will use your personal information only in conjunction with this individual recruitment process in order to determine your suitability for employment with us.

Job alerts
In case you manifest your consent on our portal, you will receive alerts related to further job opportunities within LAT Nitrogen. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time to unsubscribe.

Who has access to your data?
LAT Nitrogen employees involved in the recruitment process have access to the personal information provided during the recruitment process. In connection with the recruitment process, other parties will receive your personal information. These may be public authorities or providers who supply systems and assist with administrative functions, such as:
• Recruitment agencies
• Public authorities in connection with establishment of flex jobs and similar schemes
• Data processors subject to a data processing agreement with LAT Nitrogen

Your rights
Under the legislation in the Data Protection Regulation and the Act on the Processing of Personal Data you have a number of rights. Your rights are being guaranteed according to Article 15-22.

In addition, candidates have a right to file a complaint to the data protection authorities about the processing of their personal data or raise questions through

We will take reasonable steps to maintain the confidentiality of personal information you submit into our recruiting system.

*LAT Nitrogen here always means the relevant member company of the LAT Nitrogen group of companies.

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